Providing resources is among the key ways that the Office of Hawaiian Affairs fulfills its purpose.
The best possible Native Hawaiian historical and cultural information has been just a click away since the launch in April 2013 of the Kipuka Database. It is a searchable online geographic information system that makes data that once would have taken long to compile, now available within seconds. The database helps complement our other key research tools, such as the Native Hawaiian Data Book and the Papakilo Database, which is a digital library for Native Hawaiian historical and cultural information.
In addition, we launched Kamakako’i, an issues-based digital media tool that has been years in the making. The cutting-edge website provides a platform to quickly engage key audiences and inspire action on policy matters important to the Native Hawaiian community.
- Grants – The purpose of the Office of Hawaiian Affairs Community Grants Program is to support projects, programs and initiatives that address OHA’s six Strategic Priorities and accompanying Strategic Results contained in OHA’s 2010-2018 Strategic Plan.
- Kamakakoʻi – A cutting edge tool that leverages technology to engage, inform, activate and rally the Hawaiʻi community around voices on the cutting edge of community issues. It is produced and maintained by the Office of Hawaiian Affairs.
- Ka Wai Ola – Ka Wai Ola is a monthly newspaper published by OHA. The Ka Wai Ola operates under the Communications division of Community Engagement. The Ka Wai Ola has about 60,000 subscribers and strives to create rich content geared toward captivating the Hawaiian community.
- Kīpuka Database – A geographical information system (GIS) that utilizes the latest mapping technologies to provide a window into native Hawaiian land, culture and history.
- Loans – The Office of Hawaiians Affairs is committed to ensuring Native Hawaiians and their ‘ohana have access to resources to assist them in pursuing their financial goals.
- OHA Native Hawaiian Data Book – A compilation of basic demographic data on Hawaiians and data to identify gaps and important issues to ensure OHA’s actions and initiatives are based on the best information available.
- Papakilo Data Base – A comprehensive “Database of Databases” consisting of varied collections of data pertaining to historically and culturally significant places, events, and documents in Hawai’i’s history.
- Reports and Research – A collection of reports and surveys intended to help guide strategic direction and policy decisions.
- Scholarships – Each year OHA provides funding for scholarships through its Higher Education Scholarship Programs.