The Committee on Budget and Finance (BF) handles all fiscal and budgetary matters, including grants, and ensures proper management, planning, evaluation and use of OHA trust funds.
This Standing Committee typically meets every other Wednesday. Special meetings may be called at the discretion of the BF Committee Chair.
Agendas, board packets (aka meeting folders), and minutes for BF Committee meetings are posted to the BF Meeting Calendar (below) as they become available.
Meetings are open to the public, but portions of the meetings may be held in executive session and closed to the public. A minimum of five (5) Trustees is required to hold meetings.
Meeting agendas serve as public notice of the meetings and are posted on an electronic calendar maintained by the State of Hawaiʻi, posted at the OHA main office, and sent to postal and email lists maintained by OHA. To be added to the postal or email list to receive future meeting agendas, please email or contact one of our OHA offices.
Public testimony can be submitted to the BF Committee as either: (1) written testimony, or (2) as live, oral testimony given during the meeting.
Please click here to view past BF meeting recordings. To view a BF meeting currently in progress, please click the live stream button below:
Questions about an agenda and/or minutes? Contact BF Staff.
Other Board Agenda and Minutes: BOT Agenda and Minutes (BOT) | Committee on Beneficiary Advocacy and Empowerment (BAE) | Committee on Investment and Land Management (ILM) | Former Resource Management (RM) Meeting Archives