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OHA: Office of Hawaiian Affairs

What We Do

OHA: Office of Hawaiian Affairs

Advocate for Native Hawaiians

OHA is focused on strategic priorities for improving the conditions of Native Hawaiians in the areas of ‘āina, culture, economic self sufficiency, education, governance, and health. OHA’s advocacy involves conducting research whose findings are used to guide decisions and empower communities…

OHA: Office of Hawaiian Affairs

Provide Resources

Among the key ways OHA fulfills its purpose is by providing resources towards improving conditions for Native Hawaiians. For example, each year OHA awards $500,000 in scholarship money. Similarly, nearly 2,000 Native Hawaiians have borrowed more than $34 million from OHA within…

OHA: Office of Hawaiian Affairs

Facilitate Collaboration

At OHA, facilitating collaboration is among its core values. This is critical to the organization’s ability to energize relationships and earn the trust of important community partners. As a result, OHA has built formal relationships with various organizations to help…
