Submit Testimony by Tomorrow, January 30 at 2:00 p.m.
Testimony received after the deadline will be accepted, but considered late. Those who wish to testify via videoconference, must also submit written testimony.
See the Judiciary and Hawaiian Affairs Hearing Notice and Submit Testimony Here
Summary of OHA’s Budget Bill (HB410)
Funds will be used to:
How to Create a Legislative Account | How to Testify
Aloha e Chair Tarnas, Vice Chair Poepoe, and Members of the House Committee on Judiciary and Hawaiian Affairs
I SUPPORT HB410 for the following reasons:
Delivery of Services: This bill increases funding for the Office of Hawaiian Affairs (OHA) to hire new staff and accelerate implementation of its 15-year strategic plan, Mana i Mauli Ola, to advance the wellbeing of its beneficiaries. The state has never allocated OHA its full pro rata share due by law and therefore periodic appropriations are just, fair, and necessary to enable OHA to meet its broad mandate to better the condition of Native Hawaiians.
Transparency and Synergy: OHA seeks to fund staff positions focused on leveraging partnerships with other state and county agencies and increasing transparency around OHA’s work through an online dashboard. This is a smart investment of taxpayer dollars to ensure collaboration between and among government entities that serve Native Hawaiians and share common goals.
As an OHA beneficiary and voter, I am happy to see the innovative approach that OHA’s leadership is bringing to its statutory and constitutional mandates. Mahalo for the opportunity to testify in support of this important measure.
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