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OHA: Office of Hawaiian Affairs

Press Releases

Kalaniʻōpuʻu inspires our movement forward

Message from OHA Ka Pouhana Kamanaʻopono Crabbe printed in the March 2016 Ka Wai Ola Aloha mai kākou, This month, the treasured mahiole (feathered helmet) and ‘ahu ‘ula (feathered cloak) of Kalani‘ōpu‘u will be returning to Hawai‘i together for the first…


He Waʻa He Moku, He Moku He Waʻa

Kānehūnāmoku, a 29ft. double hull canoe, is a hands-on, dynamic, and living classroom for students of all ages. Students learn all aspects of the canoe, including maritime skills, non-instrumental navigation, elemental observations, teamwork and communication. This year, funding from OHA’s…

OHA: Office of Hawaiian Affairs

2016 OHA Salary Commission Final Report

The 2016 Salary Commission for the Board of Trustees of the Office of Hawaiian Affairs (OHA) completed its review and has submitted its proposed salary recommendation for OHA Trustees effective July 1, 2015 until June 30, 2019. The commission voted…


#kalaniopuu: Follow the return

Honolulu, HI – In 1779, the reigning chief of Hawai‘i Island, Kalani‘ōpu‘u, who traced his regal line to the great chief Līloa of Waipiʻo, greeted an English captain named James Cook after his ship made port in Kealakekua Bay. As…


The father of modern Hawaiian medicine and health

Statement of OHA Ka Pouhana CEO Kamana‘opono Crabbe on the passing of Dr. Kekuni Blaisdell: Dr. Blaisdell was a father of modern Hawaiian medicine and health. He was one of my mentors and pushed me to get my doctorate in…

OHA: Office of Hawaiian Affairs

OHA Salary Commission seeks public comments

HONOLULU – The 2016 Office of Hawaiian Affairs (OHA) Salary Commission is seeking public comment on appropriate salaries for the OHA Board of Trustees over the next four years. The public is invited to submit comments via email (ohasalarycommission2016@oha.org). The…


Kākoʻo ʻŌiwi: Cultivating ʻāina and people

Getting people on the ʻāina to grow our food sustainably and perpetuating Hawaiian culture is what Kākoʻo ʻŌiwi is all about. Their approach involves restoring the cultural connection between the land and our community. And itʻs working! Last year, Kākoʻo…


Remembering a favorite Son of Miloli‘i

Statement from OHA Chairperson Robert K. Lindsey Jr. on the passing of Sen. Gil Kahele: “Senator Kahele will be remembered as a favorite ‘Son of Miloli‘i.’ He was an active member of our Hawai‘i Island Caucus. I will always remember…


OHA gears up for the legislative session

Each year, OHA’s Public Policy staff review thousands of bills introduced during the legislative session, and track and testify on hundreds of measures relevant to the Native Hawaiian community. In addition, Public Policy staff advocate for a package of bills…


OHA offers $500,000 in scholarships

The Office of Hawaiian Affairs is launching two scholarship programs making a half-million dollars available to post-secondary students. The OHA Higher Education Scholarship, administered by the Hawai‘i Community Foundation, requires students be of Native Hawaiian ancestry, be enrolled full- or…
