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OHA: Office of Hawaiian Affairs

Ensure that OHA Receives its Fair Share of Public Land Trust Revenues

The House will hear HB1358, a bill that will appropriate funds to audit and inventory the public land trust, this Tuesday, February 4, at 9:00 a.m.

Submit Testimony by Monday, February 3 at 9:00 a.m.
Testimony received after the deadline will be accepted, but considered late. Those who wish to testify via videoconference must also submit written testimony.

See the Judiciary and Hawaiian Affairs Hearing Notice and Submit Testimony Here

Summary of HB1358 (Relating to the Public Land Trust Working Group)

  • Currently, OHA receives only $21.5 million per year of public land trust revenues, far below the estimated $78.9 million the state owes.
  • Chronic underfunding shortchanges OHA’s programs to benefit Native Hawaiians.
  • HB1358 funds an independent audit ($1 million) to:
    • Account for all ceded lands in the public land trust inventory.
    • Account for all revenues and proceeds generated from public trust lands.
    • Determine the 20% share of those revenues that are due to OHA by law.

Background: Why this bill is critical for Native Hawaiians
  • Under the Hawai‘i Admissions Act, the Hawai‘i State Constitution, and state law, OHA is legally entitled to 20% of all revenues from the public land trust.
  • The public land trust is comprised of former crown and government lands of the Hawaiian Kingdom.
  • In 2022, the Legislature created a working group to inventory public lands and determine OHA’s 20% share.
  • The working group – which includes OHA representatives – unanimously recommended an independent third-party audit.
  • After decades of underpayment, an outside third-party expert is necessary to hold the state accountable and determine OHA’s fair share of revenues.

How to Create a Legislative Account  How to Testify


Aloha e Chair Hashem, Vice Chair Lamosao, and members of the House Committee on Water and Land,

I am writing in support of HB1358 for the following reasons:

Ensuring Transparency and Accountability: HB1358 provides funding for an independent third-party audit of the Public Land Trust Inventory System. This is a necessary step to correct decades of incomplete or inconsistent accounting practices and to ensure that OHA receives its full 20% share of trust revenues as required by law.

Funding OHA’s Work: The Public Land Trust Working Group was established to hold the State of Hawaiʻi accountable for its trust obligations to Native Hawaiians. Without full funding, OHA cannot fulfill its legal mandates to improve the conditions of Native Hawaiians and advance community empowerment and economic development. The working group determined this audit is a necessary first step to making OHA whole.

Fairness and Justice: This bill is not just about funding, it’s also about fairness and justice. Under the Hawai‘i Admissions Act, the Hawai‘i State Constitution, and Hawaiʻi State law, OHA is entitled to 20% of all revenues from the public land trust, however, OHA only receives a fraction of this amount. As an OHA beneficiary and a voter, I urge the committee to pass HB1358 to help right this wrong.

Mahalo for the opportunity to testify.

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Hawaii Capitol Building

Office of Hawaiian Affairs submits bills for consideration
