Senate Bill 913 is scheduled for a hearing on Thursday, February 26th at 1:30 p.m., Conference Room 016 at the State Capitol.
Why should you support the bill?
Native Hawaiian children may be disproportionately impacted by the trauma of having parents sent to prison. This bill would take a first step toward identifying and addressing the needs of children with incarcerated parents by requiring the Department of Public Safety to collect intake data relating to parents in prison and their children.
For more information about SB913 or other bills from our 2015 legislative package, please visit
How can you support the bill?
Support the bill by logging into the Hawai’i State Capitol website and submit testimony or testify in-person.
Sample Testimony
I strongly SUPPORT SB913 which will require the Department of Public Safety to collect intake data relating to parents in prison and their children. Native Hawaiian children may be more likely to experience the trauma of having parents sent to prison, and there is currently no data being collected to identify these children and support more effective programs and services. I believe that if we know more about these keiki, we can better address the challenges they are experiencing. This bill could support long-term access to grant funding, providing consistent services for children of incarcerated parents, and hopefully reduce the number of children that fall through the cracks. I urge the committee to PASS this bill.