safeTALK is the acronym for:
Suicide Awareness For Everyone (SAFE)
using four steps:
Tell, Ask, Listen and Keepsafe (TALK).
safeTALK is a prevention program for communities. OHA Kaua`i, in collaboration with Lili`uokalani Trust – Kipuka Kaua`i, invite you to come and learn how to engage persons with thoughts of suicide and help connect them with life affirming resources.
Thursday, May 16, 2019
12:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Liliuʻokalani Trust
4530 Kali Road
Kauaʻi Island
For more information about this event, contact OHA’s Kauaʻi Community Outreach Coordinator, D. Kaliko Santos, at (808) 241-3390 or
This event is sponsored by OHA’s Community Outreach Department’s I Mana Ka Lāhui program.