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OHA: Office of Hawaiian Affairs

Photo: Hawaii Capitol Building

OHA Board Chair statement on Public Land Trust bill approved by state legislature

HONOLULU (April 29, 2022) – Today’s welcome news that the conference committee unanimously approved the Public Land Trust bill that will raise annual payments to the Office of Hawaiian Affairs from $15.1 million to $21.5 million, provide an additional sum of $64 million, and…

Photo: Hawaii Capitol Building

Statement from OHA Board Chair on $600 million legislative appropriation to DHHL

HONOLULU (April 29, 2022) – News that the state Legislature approved a $600 million appropriation to the Department of Hawaiian Homelands marks a historic day of funding for the Department of Hawaiian Home Lands (DHHL). Though long in coming, these…

OHA: Office of Hawaiian Affairs

Serve the Lāhui – OHA seeks grant application reviewers for community grants

If you’re looking for an opportunity to serve the Lāhui, the Office of Hawaiian Affairs is currently seeking grant application reviewers for community grants that will benefit the Native Hawaiian community.

kalo illustration

OHA Announces $14.9 Million in Grant Solicitations to Support Native Hawaiians

Grants targeted at strengthening family, culture and land connections and increasing supports in education, health, housing and economic stability

Photo: Hawaii Capitol Building

Statement from OHA Board of Trustees Chair on House Finance Committee Hearing on Public Land Trust bill

(HONOLULU) – We are pleased with yesterday’s Finance Committee hearing decisions that integrated the Office of Hawaiian Affairs’ recommended amendments:  removing section 2 and references to net revenues; establishing a new interim annual sum of $21.5 million; releasing the carry…

Red Hill protest thumb

OHA Board Chair statement on Pentagon intention to close Red Hill Bulk Fuel Facility

We commend Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin’s decision today to direct the Department of Navy to defuel and shut down the Red Hill Bulk Fuel Facility, that is threatening a major water source for Oʻahu.

Photo: Mililani Trask

New OHA Trustee selected for Hawaiʻi Island

The Office of Hawaiian Affairs (OHA) Board of Trustees today selected former OHA Trustee Mililani Trask of Hilo to serve as the new OHA Trustee for Hawaiʻi Island.

Photo: Oswald Stender

OHA sends condolences on the passing of former Trustee Stender

Statement from OHA Board Chair Carmen “Hulu” Lindsey on the passing of former OHA Trustee Oswald “Oz” Stender: We extend our deepest condolences to the ‘ohana of Oswald “Oz” Stender on the loss of their beloved patriarch. He served with…

Photo: Hawaiian delegation representing OHA at the Berlin State Museums of the Prussian Cultural Heritage Foundation (SPK)

SPK returns ancestral remains from Hawaiʻi

BERLIN, GERMANY (Feb. 11, 2022) – The Berlin State Museums of the Prussian Cultural Heritage Foundation (SPK) handed over 32 iwi kūpuna (ancestral remains) to representatives of the Office of Hawaiian Affairs (OHA) today. The ancestral remains have been in the keeping of the SPK Berlin since 2011. At…

Photo: Mana Kamohali'i Caceres, Kalehua Kamohali'i Caceres und Edward Halealoha Ayau

Iwi kūpuna repatriation in Jena helps heal historical injustices

A ceremony at Friedrich Schiller University Jena today saw iwi kūpuna (ancestral remains) handed over to a Hawaiian delegation representing the Office of Hawaiian Affairs (OHA).
