OHA’s Board of Trustees (BOT) meets regularly, usually twice a month on Thursdays. Agendas and minutes for BOT meetings are posted here as they become available. Periodically, the BOT calls for special meetings at the discretion of the Chair of the Board of Trustees. Meetings are open to the public, but portions of the meetings may be held in executive session, which are allowed by law to be closed to the public.
BOT agendas serve as public notice of the meetings and are posted on an electronic calendar maintained by the State of Hawaiʻi. A minimum of five (5) Trustees is required to hold meetings.
Public testimony can be submitted to the OHA Board of Trustees either: (1) in writing emailed at least 24 hours prior to the scheduled meeting, or (2) as live, oral testimony online during the Public Testimony portion of the agenda. Public testimony must be limited to matters listed on the meeting agenda.
The BOT is required to take minutes of the public portions of its meetings, which are placed here on OHA’s website. The BOT meets at least once annually on each of the neighbor islands: Hawai’i, Maui, Moloka’i, Lāna’i, and Kauaʻi. Typically, the BOT will schedule back-to-back meetings, starting with a community meeting in the evening and a regular board meeting the following morning. The meetings on the neighbor islands are usually scheduled once a month beginning in May and ending in September.
Please click here to view past Board of Trustee meetings. To view a Board of Trustee meeting currently in progress, click the live stream button below:
Trustee Kaiali’i Kahele, Chair, Board of Trustees
Trustee Keoni Souza, Vice Chair, Board of Trustees
Note: Schedule subject to change as determined by the Chair, Board of Trustees. Changes may not be reflected in the schedule. Please see the filed agenda for accurate date, time, and place of each meeting. Questions about agenda and minutes? Contact BOTmeetings@oha.org.
Other Board Agenda and Minutes: Committee on Beneficiary Advocacy and Empowerment (BAE) | Committee on Budget and Finance (BF) | Committee on Investment and Land Management (ILM) | Resource Management (RM) Meeting Archives